Kisa Homestead
Kisa Homestead is centrally located in Kisa overlooking lake Kisa.
Kisa Homestead is centrally located in Kisa overlooking Lake Kisa. The homestead consists of 14 cultural houses from all over the Kinda area. The main building is a manor house from Hovby gård in Västra Eneby parish from the 17th century.
The new Lodge houses, among other things, a photo museum.
The local park is always open. During summer there are various activities.
Guided tour of the museum is pre-booked.
Bus groups are welcomed, coffee and lunch can be arranged.
+46 72-543 95 56, +46 494-712 86
Visiting address:
Kisa Hembygdsgård
Enebygatan 29 B
590 38 Kisa