Kinda Naturisbana
Now everyone has the opportunity to easily get out and skate even if the snow covers the ice
At Rimforsa south of Linköping lies lake Åsunden. And on the northern part of the lake between Rimforsa and Ulvesund, an ice skating rink is ploughed every winter. Ice thickness and weather determine how long the course will be.
Now everyone has the opportunity to easily get out and skate even if the snow covers the ice.
It is best to get on the track at Rimforsa Camping. Follow signs from the roundabout in Rimforsa. Parking spaces are available at Åsundahallen. (Please do not enter the camping area)
The ploughed track is built and operated by kinda Naturisbana Economic association formed for this purpose.
Naturguiden Svenska Äventyr AB, +4613-14 11 36
Björkfors Hostel +46494-600 47
Visiting address: