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Come close to the water - all year round
Have you ever felt the endorphins kick in after a cold bath? In Kinda there are over 400 possibilities to try it, thanks to all the lakes. If you dare to soak up the thrilling experience of nature at water level, you will get really close to the wonderful power of Kinda's Lake Kingdom – all year round.
When the spring sun start to warm, the nature in Kinda can provide a moment of presence and mental recovery. Here you can go hiking and unwind with each step, and several of the bathing spots are suitable stops along the hiking trails. If you are instead looking for an accessible swimming area nearby our communities, there are central bathing areas in both Rimforsa, Horn and Kisa.
Summertime is, of course, the sunny bathing season for the vast majority. The possibilities to experience nature close to the water increases even more during the summer : take a leisurely trip in a canoe, test your fishing luck or enjoy a boat trip on the Kinda canal.
For more information about Kinda Canal kindakanal.se/en/