Hagen Kättilstad

Ancient castle

The mountain is 25 meters high, 45 meters above Ämmern.
The ancient castle has no actual walls made of smaller stones. The walls consist mostly of stones that are meter-sized or larger. You can find at least six such ramparts of different lengths. These rows of stone could certainly be used as defence devices, reinforced with timber and rubble.

The certainly large settlement on Lake Striern has had a safe shelter here. The use of the castle testifies to fireplace remains and foundations.

The mountain has steep precipices except the west, where the mountain is more sloping and block-rich.
The view is nice to the south and southwest.
The mountain consists of several small heights and overgrown with quite dense forest. It consists of small pines , some spruce, oak bushes, junipers, green moss, white moss slabs, beaker lichen, gull berries.
The ancient castle is about 55 x 60 meters.


Opening hours:
Available all year round.


+46494-194 10


This ancient castle is located only 400 m northwest of the highway at the farm Hagen. 1 km northeast of Kättilstad Church. It is easy to reach the mountain on the path from the highway through the pasture. Getting up on the mountain is somewhat difficult, as the slope is filled with large boulders.